Sunday, April 26, 2009

Welcome to the children of Kindercorner in Singapore

That was a lovely surprise to read the thoughts of the children in Kindercorner on Friday just before we celebrated Earth Day at PS58. Thank you and welcome back on Little Grassroots.

We had a lovely day and the sun and warmth were eventually with us! We printed your post with your thoughts and added it to our poster on Little Grassroots and many kids were excited to see that you had posted. They are looking forward to reply.

For those of you who might wonder where is Singapore, here are two maps - a world map and then a more focused map. 


al (Jyoti and Melchior's mum)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thoughts for Earth Day

The children at Kinder Corner have been thinking about Earth Day and sharing ideas about how they can help the earth.

Yi Nuo: 'I will not turn on the television at all'. Xiao Han: 'Don't use the aircon, use the fan'. (Xiao Han wore her 'I love the Earth' t-shirt today. Liam/Abel: 'You must turn off the lights'. Jasmine: 'You must shut off the water'. Jun Kai: 'Don't throw rubbish in the water or the fish will die'.

We have been singing the song 'A song for Earth'. Some of the books the children have enjoyed lately are 'The Giving Tree', 'Earth Our Planet in Space', 'Whoever You Are' and 'Recycle Every Day'. Our favourite book 'Dear Children of the Earth - A letter from Home' was eaten by termites and we don't have a new one yet.

Today we had a clean up outside and sorted the things into different containers for 'plastic', 'paper', and 'glass and metal'. The children will bring more things from home to be sorted and then think about how to reuse or recycle them.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

different places, different time zones, different weather


I picked 4 locations: New York, Beaune (the ecole des Fleurs) and Singapore and London (as there are two schools there which might join our blog, and we used to have children from Singapore and London posting on this blog two years ago).
I looked at the weather forecast for the next 5 days. I did it in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celcius. 

Maybe you can go and check on the map with your teachers where are these different locations and if you have time, go and check the weather in other locations (places where you have family and friends) and share it with us.

al (Jyoti's mum)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Bonjour des Blanches Fleurs

Nous sommes la classe d'Isabelle Jacquinod CM1, CE2.
Nous trouvons votre blog très bien. Nous allons écrire des choses sur votre blog, en français pour l'instant. Nous aussi, nous trions les déchets.
Nous avons pris des photos des poubelles dans les classes et autour de l'école.

Voici les poubelles de classe. Nous trions les déchets : dans la poubelle "papiers" on met des papiers, dans l'autre poubelle, nous mettons des mouchoirs, tubes de colle terminés, stylos qui ne marchent plus...

Voici les grosses poubelles Papiers, Cartons et autres déchets. On y vide les poubelles de classe.

Les poubelles vertes qui sont sous le préau servent à jeter les papiers des gâteaux et les papiers de bonbons...

Voici le compost. Il y a des pommes de terre !

Les grands bacs pour le verre et les journaux sont juste à côté de l'école, sur le parking.

Au revoir.
Nous sommes très contents d'écrire sur votre blog.

Les élèves des Blanches Fleurs

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Please join us for an Earth Day Celebration at P.S. 58! The celebration will be on Friday, April 24 from 3-5 in the schoolyard. There will be many different booths and activities for children and adults, including decorating reusable shopping bags, oyster gardening, and planting a container garden! Learn about urban bee keeping as you observe an actual bee hive hard at work! Visit with the Gowanus Dredgers and learn about the P.S. 58 Green Roof Project! Listen to songs, books and poems performed by P.S. 58 students. We hope to see you there!


I would like a world clean up may 16 2009. And on that day nobody will do stuff that causes pollution. And they will clean up everything in their towns. And the world will be a cleaner place. What do you think?

From, Lukas

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Where is Beaune?

It's in France, but where?

Check the map above: It's the little A tag... 

Welcome to Classroom 4 at L'ecole Blanches Fleurs / Bienvenue a la classe 4 de l'ecole Blanches Fleurs


I just wanted to let you know that Isabelle, the teacher of the class 4 of L'ecole des Blanches Fleurs (The school of the white flowers) in Beaune, France has accepted our invitation and will soon posting on le blog.
Last Friday they read your posts and were  very excited to see you were talking to them. They are planning to post soon. 

Welcome to all the kids of Class 4 and their teacher! Looking forward to the discussion.

On the behalf of the First graders of PS 58

Je voulais vous informer qu'Isabelle, la maitresse de la classe 4 a L'ecole des Fleurs Blanches a Beaune, France a accepte notre invitation et postera bientot sur le blog.
Vendredi dernier, ils ont lu vos textes et etaient tres contents de voir que vous leur parliez. Ils vous repondront bientot.

Bienvenue aux enfants de la classe 4 et a leur maitresse! 
A tres bientot sur le blog,

De la part des CPs de PS 58

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Les abeilles - the bees

Notre grand pere nous a dit que les abeilles on disparu et c'est grave par ce que  sans les abeilles, les plantes, les fruis et les legumes ne peuve pas ce reproduir . J'ai  chercher pour quoi les abeilles sont partis   : 1. il y a des mites qui les mange les abeilles ! : 2. Les insecticides. Vous ave une autre reponse?
Our grand pa told us that the bees are desapearing and it's bad because bees help plants, fruits and vegetables to reprodus. I looked wi and found that 1. mites are eating bees! 2.  insecticides. 
Do you have anover anser?

Good news! Scientists found many dolphins in Bangladesh

The Ganges river dolphin
The Ganges river dolphin
The Irrawaddy dolphin
The Irrawaddy dolphin

Hi all,

as you are worried about endangered species, I thought you would be delighted to hear that biologists have found a group of 6,000 Irrawaddy dolphins (see pictures) which were thought to be at risk of dying. These dolphins live in rivers and deltas from southern Asia to northern Australia. 

However the scientists say that these dolphins need to be protected because they risk to get entangled in fishing nest and also because there are less freshwaters because of dam construction. 

The scientists also say that global warming was also a threat to the dolphins. Indeed as the Himalayan glaciers shrink, the sea levels will raise and the river flows will change and thus the habitat of these dolphins will be at threat as they need water with very little salt. 

The scientists are now working with the Bangladesh government to create areas to protect the dolphin and for another species, the Ganges river dolphin. Let's hope they create these protected areas soon. 

al (Jyoti and Melchior's mum)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Oil spill


oil spills are really, really bad for the animals in the ocean.
I saw a movie (and read the book after) about a seagull that went down in the water and did not see the boat that was cleaning its tank. She was caught by the oil spill and her feathers were all stuck together. She could not breathe and it was hard for her to fly. She had an egg to lay and found a place to do so. But after she laid her egg and asked a cat to take care of her baby, she died. That was sad. We should prevent this kind of stories to happen.
A lot of animals died because of oil spills. That's what Ms Marsh told us. 
So we should stop the men in the boat to clean their tanks and create oil spills. Some captains say "just throw the dirty thing in the water" and they know what they are doing. This is criminal! I think it is ridiculous what they are doing to the ocean. It is really bad.


Jyoti (with the editing help of my mummy :-) )

Wild Ocean


I read some of your posts about the oil spills and protecting the environment. For my birthday I went to see a movie called Wild Ocean at the Museum of National History.
It was about how sardines affected a whole life cycle - sharks, dolphins, seals, penguins, birds, etc. and human beings. This part of the ocean, nearby the coast of South Africa, the wild coast, is known to be the only coast where we can see how the ocean was in the older days - i.e. untouched by pollution and full of fish.
I loved it and I think everyone of you should watch it.
If you go, please let me know what you thought of it.


PS: watch the movie trailer below