Notre grand pere nous a dit que les abeilles on disparu et c'est grave par ce que sans les abeilles, les plantes, les fruis et les legumes ne peuve pas ce reproduir . J'ai chercher pour quoi les abeilles sont partis : 1. il y a des mites qui les mange les abeilles ! : 2. Les insecticides. Vous ave une autre reponse?
Our grand pa told us that the bees are desapearing and it's bad because bees help plants, fruits and vegetables to reprodus. I looked wi and found that 1. mites are eating bees! 2. insecticides.
Do you have anover anser?
je suis aller sur internet et j ai trouver que les abeilles meur aussi a qose des ondes des telefones portables qui sont trop fortes pour elles. j ai vu aussi qu il y a un film qui s apel Le silence des Abeilles et qui parle de ca. qelqun l a vu?
I went on the internet and I found out that the bees also die because of the cell phone frequency that are too high for them. I also saw that there is movie called ``The Silence of the Bees`` that talks about it.
Has anyone seen it?
Achille (with mom`s help for English editing)
merci pour ta reponse . J'ai vu sur internet dotr reponse .1.Des champignons.2.des nouvelles graines qui sont du poison. 3. le changeman climatic (secheresses et hivers trop doux) 4. des insectes predateurs d'Asie et d'Afrique; 5. la desctruction des buissons ou elles vivent.
tu peux regarder sur:
On peux demander a Ms Marsh lundi.
a deman
Mummy's translation for Ms Marsh :-)
thanks for your reply. I went on the internet and found other answers: 1. parasites; 2. new crops which are poisonous. 3. climatic change ( droughts and too mild winters) 4. insects predators from Asia and Africa. 5. the destruction of bushes where the bees live.
You can check on:
we can also ask Ms Marsh Monday,
see you tomorrow
Thank, Joyti and Achille, for telling me about this. The movie sounds very interesting. I'm going to see about watching it with Joseph over the holiday.
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