Wednesday, January 16, 2008

oil spiils

i am writing t o tell you that oil spill are deaigerous for animals and the animals get kill because oil spills are dangerous for animals.

from julian brianna to the presldeet


Anonymous said...

dnt pot grbg on the floor.
from gianni

alf said...

That's a great idea to write to the president to ask him to stop making pollution. In fact, my mummy read in the newspapers that the United States were very bad making pollution. But other countries like China. We saw a picture in my mum's computer showing pollution in China. There was garbage on the ground. Maybe we could write to the people who want to become presidents because if they became presidents and they don't do anything to stop pollution the earth is going to be sad and in a big trouble.
Earth is important to all the people.

Jyoti, K-202

Anonymous said...

your store is pritty good because when I see it it looks nice and the way you type is nice have a nice day.

Claude and Justin