Wednesday, January 16, 2008

oil spills

did you know that oil spills are bad for sea mammals they can be killed because oil is poisonous

from mala and alex


Anonymous said...

i agree with you

from nandito and william

Anonymous said...

we agree with you. did you know oil spills can kill over 100 anamals?

from Milo and diego

Anonymous said...

i like your sentins it was rele good my partner liked it too.

from jaylah and nicole

Anonymous said...

we agree with you because the anamls can get killd. by tatiana and jenna

Anonymous said...

daer mala and alex
that was a good idea
it is greetre thin some of the kiis]its cool;
from jason and liam

Anonymous said...

i no that oil spills are bad i agree with you from allie.

Anonymous said...

we like your idea. because we should all do that.

from jack b and otto

Anonymous said...

we thnk your idea is great, we think your right
we want you to put in more for oill spill your idea is so good. from ariana and nalani

Anonymous said...

i am halp you
with your thing. from philip.